Satanic Celebratory Holidays - Lupercalia February 15th by Belial Leviathan and Succubus Astrid


Satanic Celebratory Holidays
February 15th - Lupercalia

Archaic Fertility Festival
by Succubus Astrid & Belial Leviathan

Physical vitality, purity, and the impregnation of fruitful women held imperative significance in the archaic empire of Rome. Family and status were paramount for a useful and happy life. Lupercalia has a long and sturdy tendril reaching back to the founders of Rome that were Romulus and Remus. These two brothers of fate were located in a cave being mothered by a female Wolf. The word "Lupus" translates as "Wolf" thereby lending the venerated wolf's name to this holiday that is thought to have been practiced in ancient Rome beginning on the 13th of February and lasting for more than only one day. Rome was built by two abandoned brothers that conquered the world after they rose from their degradation. Luperci Priests consecrated women with fecundity during specific portions of the festivities via a ritual and devilishly tongue-in-cheek lashing of the women by the Priests. It is fitting that outcasts find their way to Satanism and the pagan celebrations of yore since Rome's Romulus and Remus became mightily powerful after their uncle Amulius attempted to drown them in a river named the Tiber. Their mother was Rhea Silvia, a Princess of Alba Longa, which had her father King Numitor reigning over his kingdom.   

Commentary by Belial Leviathan, Ritual Priest and Succubus Astrid, Ritual High Priestess of Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult 
