Satanic Celebratory Holidays - Hexennacht, Witches' Night April 30th - May 1st by Succubus Astrid


Satanic Celebratory Holidays
April 30th to May 1st - Hexennacht or Witches' Night

Ritualistic Bonfires Burned in Fear of Witches & Nature Pneumas
by Succubus Astrid

Germany still practices traditional celebrations of Witches' Night to this day. These ritual bonfires are lit to frighten away Witches, Familiars, and all of Nature's vital forces such as Atmans, Pneumas, Daemons, or Spirits. Witches' Night is a continuation from the 700s AD stemming from Bavaria. This holiday is also known as Walpurgisnacht, Hexennacht, Beltane, or May Day. Rituals begin on the 30 of April and go until the 1st of May. On April 30th, the night is also alive with more than just secular people using pyrotechnics to drive out Witches flying through the starry skies upon their brooms. Beltane is an ancient holiday of witchcraft rituals when pagan people can be found jumping over fires and guiding their livestock safely through the spaces between bonfires to gain strength, productivity, health, and protection for beasts and humans alike. On May Day, Maypoles are erected and decorated with colorful streamers to signify rites of fertility as each villager participating in the maypole dance hold on to one of the brightly hued ribbons to dance around the pole simulating a fruitful mating of fertility Goddesses with mighty Gods.

Commentary by Succubus Astrid, Ritual High Priestess 

Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult 
