July 25th Unveiling Day Satanic Holiday by Belial Leviathan and Raven Shyamal

Unveiling Day – July 25th
Satanic Celebratory Holidays

Revelation of Satanic Passion & Vampiric
Feasting on Nature's Fruits
by Belial Leviathan
Introducing Novice Initiate Priestess
Raven Shyamal

Demon love is in the air on during Unveiling Day festivities. Let the Devil inside you show himself and go on an exotic vacation with your demonic lover. Introducing Raven Shyamal, Vampiric Satanist performance artist extraordinaire.

Commentary by Belial Leviathan, Ritual Priest with Raven Shyamal, Novice Initiate Priestess

Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult 
