September 30th Blasphemy Day Satanic Customary Celebration by Belial Leviathan


Blasphemy Day – September 30th
Satanic Customary Celebrations

Warlock King Ulrick Crowned
by Belial Leviathan
Introducing Warlock Coven Sovereign

Blasphemy Day is the celebration selected by Seventh Son of Satan to welcome the first other-than-Vampiric sect into the fold. We are taking this opportunity to initiate the brand-new Warlock Coven and its Sovereign, King Ulrick with a demonstration of their Warlock Necromancy. This undertaking shall be performed by their named Spell Caster, Warlock Azziz under the direction of his Warlock Monarch Ulrick. Azziz tells us that a lot of pomp and circumstance is planned for Blasphemy Day with the Vampires watching and judging the performance and also, the resultant outcome of their incantations. Precisely powerful theurgy is the boast of the Warlock Coven's rulers. Their sorcery will be put to the test!

Commentary by Belial Leviathan, Ritual Priest

Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult 

Subsidiary organizations:

Warlock Coven (NEW)

Werewolf Coven (Coming soon) 
