Agonalia January 9th Ritual Death & Rebirth Gateways of Yearly Rites by Succubus Astrid


January 9th - Agonalia
Satanic Celebratory Holiday

Yearly Atavistic Ritual Gateways of Languishment & Inception
by Succubus Astrid

Janus, the ancient God of Gateways in the primary religion of Rome, blessed his people during their annual new year's celebration of his power over time. Festivals were held each year on the holiday of January 9th named Agonalia to gain favor from Janus so that the future would be fortunate. Janus' countenance was and continues to be to this day, an emblem of the mysteries of gates, portals, binary duality, change, cyclical phases of time, crossings over into new states of consciousness, evanesces, and emergences. Enduring icons of this magnificent deity's ability to guide and direct his followers with his timeless expression of death and rebirth are found impressing Janus' visage upon even modern-day media presentations.

One face looking to what has gone before, and another physiognomy peering towards what is yet to come, stand back-to-back manifesting an eternal doorway of time and happenings. Janus offers with his familiar double profiled device, a tool which can be used to influence, guide, and grant opportunity to his priests, priestesses, and mundane disciples. To acquire a fortunate blessing for the new year, we stand in gateways or doorways visualizing the realities we desire for the future, which become manifest when we walk through to the other side. 

Commentary by Succubus Astrid, Ritual High Priestess 

Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult 

Subsidiary organizations:

Warlock Coven

Werewolf Coven 
