January 9th Agonalia Satanic Celebratory Holiday by Belial Leviathan
Agonalia – January 9th
Satanic Celebratory Holiday
by Belial Leviathan
Yearly Sojourn to Rome for Advantages from the Invocation of Eternal God Janus
Finding seasonal favor with one's chosen deity is a much sought after boon for supplicants at the beginning of each new year. One of the most illustrious divinities for this most famous and practiced of holidays is Janus, atavistic Rome's God of Passages. The twin faces of Janus, one looking to the past and the other gazing into the future, promise the granting of good fortune to those that please the proclivities of Janus. Afterall, much of the global population of humankind performs some form of ritual practice to assuage their desperate hopes for riches, treasures, fitness, strength, or romantic love at the start of each and every new year. Humans dance, sing, play games of chance, kiss each other, and imbibe beverages of revelry to gain for themselves, assured lucky outcomes. Mankind puts into the ethers, his wishes for everlasting favorable endings leading into fortunate eternal beginnings. This never-ending cycle must repeat over and over without a true end for a person to enjoy a fertile state of mind and a meaningful life.
I stand in my selected doorway of infinite possibilities, only to be pinpointed with the laser focus of my willpower. My will, I direct with my lavishly delicious desires, to the fulfillment of my wants. With exactitude, I center my mind on precise mental imagery for the purpose of building the ideas necessary to completely acquire all objects and situations which I covet. This door is my passage into a fecund year, sweet with the sure and soon to be manifest fruit of satisfying developments.
Commentary by Belial Leviathan, Ritual Priest
Seventh Son of Satan, A Vampiric Cult
Subsidiary organizations:
Warlock Coven
Werewolf Coven
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